Centenary Dinner
The Imperial Hotel Russell Square London
Friday 28 March 2008

Almost 200 members and their guests including many ex staff attended the Centenary Reunion Dinner. Many members had made a big effort to be present with Old Boys jetting in from Australia, South Africa, US as well as Europe. They were rewarded with an evening to remember with friends and acquaintances made in some cases more than 50/60 years ago.
Although there was a good sprinkling of ages present the majority were in the over 40 category. It was particularly rewarding for the Association to welcome members who had rarely or in some instances never attended before and we hope that after this experience they will join the group of regular attendees.
The bar area was crowded from 6.15pm onwards and it was undoubtedly good planning that name tabs were provided so that the embarrassment of not recognising a fellow classmate of 40 years ago was avoided. The Centenary book was launched at the dinner provoking much nostalgia and proved a popular talking point across the generations. The formal part of the evening was initiated by the red coated toastmaster urging everyone to forsake the bar and take their places so that dinner could be served.
During the meal the President David Maloney, continued the tradition of taking wine with the various generations that were at the school when the different headmasters were in charge. At the conclusion of the meal David gave a short address outlining the changes that were taking place at the School particularly with respect to the rebuilding and expansion of certain areas which has just commenced. He also emphasised how important he felt it was for the School and the Association to have a close relationship and his hopes for these ties to remain strong in the years to come.
Chris Hare, our resident after dinner speaker, then contributed a very witty and amusing introduction to the main guest and speaker Andy Hamilton, the BAFTA award winning comedian and script writer who attended the school from 1965-71 . Andy entertained everyone present with some amusing anecdotes from his time at Westminster City School. He was particularly pleased to see that his English teacher, Mike Hougham was present as Mike had apparently suggested that he should become a scriptwriter.
At the end of the speeches presentations were made to Norman “Bunny” Bunton in honour of his 80th birthday and more than 60 years service to the Association and the Football Club, and a well deserved FA medal to Jock Henderson for more than 50 years service to Amateur football. It was typical of Jock that in his response he spoke about the tragedy that had occurred in January at Mitcham when one of the Old Boys team members had collapsed and died on the pitch. He was only 35 and his partner was three months pregnant. Jock asked that members present might like to make a donation, which could be passed onto his family. It was good that this spontaneous appeal raised over £700. Enthusiastic singing of the School song completed the formalities.
Everyone then adjourned to the bar area and tried to meet up with as many friends as possible. Time invariably seemed to rush by at this time and it was all too soon to say goodbyes and stagger home after a very enjoyable evening.
Thanks to the organising committee and particularly to Bob Blanchett for a highly successful evening. Sincere thanks also to the many members who included donations in their cheques in particular to those who were unable to attend.

Old Boys and past masters who attended the dinner with years at WCS in brackets were:
Peter Allan (1950-1957); Arthur Allen (39-45); Mick Attfield (51-56); Malcolm Austin (55-62); Tony Austin (48-55); David Bailin (49-56); Frank Baker (68-75); Pip Bannister (49-55); Simon Barber (68-75); Ronald Beadle (78-84); Bill Benbow (65-70); Karl Bettleheim (50-55); Jim Blanchett (60-65); Bob Blanchett (61-66); Colin Bowen (46-52); Martin Broughton (58-65); Steve Broughton (58-65); Jack Bryant (43-49); Rob Bryant (53-59); Dennis Buisson (43-51); Michael Bulman (55-62); Norman Bunton (39-46); Frank Busby (48-53); Bernard Caper (46-53); Julian Carpenter (63-71; Paul Clarke (67-75); Viv Coghill (57-64); Edward Corry (76-83); Michael Craig (56-62); Roger Cross (46-54); Dave Dalton (65-71); John Daulat (82-96); Trevor Dawson (68-75); Ralph de Bedic Perks (56-63); Alex Dembitz (60-66); Peter Donovan (48-55); John Douglass (63-71); Derek Duchemin (47-52) Derek Edwards (48-56); Brian Elson (55-62); Keith Evans (68-75); Kristoff Fabry (87-94); David Garwood (48-54); Julian Gaskell; Tony Gatcombe (56-63); Mick Gee (54-61); Ben Gillam (94-01); Cecil Gittins (42-48); John Goddard (49-54); Alan Godsave (39-44); Robert Goodlad(49-54); Mike Granatt (61-68); Arthur Gray (47-53); W Haines (76-83); Brian Halfacre (Master at WCS 60-99); Andy Hamilton (65-71); Ray Hannaford (48-54); Chris Hare (61-67); Charles Harrison (36-45); Graham Harvey (70-71); Dennis Hawes (47-54); Jock Henderson (48-55) Bill Hill (47-54); Wally Hofacher; Robin Holdsworth (56-63); Anthony Hoole (56-63); Mike Hougham (Master at WCS); Jeremy Hudson (65-72); Dave Hudson (63-70); Stephen Humphrey (63-70); David Hunt (63-70); Paul Hurrell (60-66); Bernie Jacobs (60-67); Jim Jelley (58-66); Charles Jobson (68-75); Phil Johnson (47-54); Huw Jones (61-69); Lewis Keeble; Brian Key (Master at WCS 64-91)); Barry King (51-56); Bob Lacey (55-61); T. Jim Laker (56-63); David Laker (55-62); R. Lamb (34-44); John Lawless (56-63); John Lawrence (60-67); Steve Leach (64-71); Simon Leahy (80-85); Peter Leslie (57-63); Alan Lester (65-70); Ian Lithman (48-54); Angus Litster (61-68); Stephen Lloyd (Master at WCS 70-00); Chris Lynch (68-75); Ian Mackay (52-59); Harry Magnani (46-55); Bill Mahoney (50-57); Marc Maitland (76-84); Mike Marklew (52-58); Peter Martin (51-56); Geoff Masters (39-56); Steve Maxworthy (70-77); Ian Mayers (67-74); Will McKee (53-58); Daid McNabb (70-77); Ian Milne (55-62); Bob Milne (71-78); Peter Milner (48-53); Barry Mitchell (61-68); Paul Murcia (65-72); Richard Nabarro (68-75); Mark Neal (70-77); Vince Newman; Charles Newson (54-60); D Nicholls (83-88); E Nolan (83-90); Anthony Norris (49-54); Tim Page (57-64); Michael Page (52-59); Gil Page (47-53); Jim Perrin (83-88); David Poole (67-74); Bob Pope (55-62); Peter Pulham (34-39); Len Pullen (52-58); Roy Rawlings; Keith Rae (55-62); Derek Read (42-48); Alan Reid (61-68); Peter Renn (70-77); S. Riley (83-88); Simon Roberts (70-77); Simon Robins (68-73); Phil Rogers (49-57); Derek Rogers (53-60) Harry Roumph (63-70); Mick Rowland (51-59); Peter Ruddy (52-59); Mike Sackett (61-68); Peter Saunders (Master at WCS 62-89); Tony Schlaeppi (45-50); Derek Short (54-59); Charles Smith (46-52); Paul Sparks (70-77); Andy Spinks (78-83); Lance St. Clair (72-80); Jim Stewart (70-77); Andrew Sutherland (63-71); Stephen Tibbles (73-80); Paul Tirebuck (70-77); Richard Tisdall (63-71); Alek Vilicinskas (49-57); Andrew Walczak (50-57); Andy Wallace (70-77); Peter Ward (43-49); John Webb (50-55); Andy White (Master at WCS 76-86); Stan Willams (43-48); David Wilson (66-70); Roger Wood (71-77); James Woolmer (47-53); Doug Wordingham (48-53); John Young (54-60).

The Centenary Book of the Old Westminster Citizens’ Association is now available
To celebrate 100 years of the Association we asked Chris Hare (OWC 61-67) to write a book for us. After 40 years working in entertainment and theatre management, Chris now concentrates on his speaking and writing engagements. He speaks at a wide variety of events and currently writes a monthly column for “Encore” the theatre trade monthly.
The result of Chris’ hard work is “The Trouble With You Boy Is You Don’t Like Latin!”. It’s a highly informative trawl through the past 100 years at Westminster City School. The Book is laced with many illustrations from the archives together with numerous anecdotes and memories from generations of Old Boys. This is not some dry academic tome but a great, and often hilarious, read. It details many of the glorious and sometimes, inglorious, deeds of Westminster City boys over the years.
The Book costs £10 plus £1 postage in the UK.
Send your Cheque (payable to Old Westminster Citizens’ Association) with your address details to our Treasurer,
Ian Milne,
89 Nightingale Road,
Petts Wood,
Tel: 01689 821302
Email: iandmilne@ntlworld.com .
If you live outside of the UK, please contact Ian who will give you details of payment arrangements and postage costs.
If you have already obtained your copy at the Centenary Dinner then ignore this and enjoy the read!
Best regards,
Bob Blanchett, OWCA Management Committee (Tel: 01689 876160 Email: r.blanchett@owca.org.uk )

To commemorate our Centenary Year, we commissioned new silk Centenary ties at £8.00 each. The ties are now all sold out but, we do still have some cufflinks at £8.00 per pair and Lapel Badges at £4.00 each. Please see examples in the following pictures. They can be obtained from our Treasurer Ian Milne (Telephone: 01689 821302 email: iandmilne@ntlworld.com ). All prices include postage and packing worldwide.
To celebrate 100 years of the Association we asked Chris Hare (OWC 61-67) to write a book for us. Chris is a regular columnist in Encore magazine, a theatre trade monthly.
The result of his months of research is “The Trouble With You Boy Is You Don’t Like Latin!” It’s a highly informative trawl through the past 100 years at Westminster City School. The Book is laced with well over 100 pictures from the archives together with numerous anecdotes and memories from generations of Old Boys and long serving teachers. It even contains a picture of a young Jock Henderson with a full head of hair – what a collector’s item! This is not some dry academic tome but a great and often hilarious, read. It has been wonderfully well received by generations of Old Boys from literally around the world.
The Book costs £10 plus £1 postage in the UK and profits benefit OWCA.
Send your Cheque (payable to Old Westminster Citizens’ Association) with your address details to our Treasurer,
Ian Milne, 89 Nightingale Road, Petts Wood, Kent, BR5 1BH (Tel: 01689 821302 Email: iandmilne@ntlworld.com ).
If you live outside of the UK, please contact Ian who will give you details of payment arrangements and postage costs